It’s that time of year to let go of the past and step into
the NEW! There are many fun ways to kick off the New Year, and setting a New
Year’s resolution is one of them. Most of us do it.
One of my family’s traditions is to write ourselves a letter
of all our goals, hopes & dreams for the coming year. You seal the letter
and don’t open it until the next New Years Eve. So it’s almost time for me to
read my 2012 letter of resolutions and see what I have achieved and what has
changed, or what I need to continue focusing on in 2013. Then I will write a
new letter to myself and seal it till 12/31/13.
One thing I also like to do each year is to create a vision
board. This board sits in my office & I get to look at every day, with
reminders of personal goals. I also like to update it periodically when new
things come or go in my life.
My 2013 Vision Board | | | | | | | |
Sometimes having one big New Year’s goal is hard to focus on
and follow. Maybe setting smaller monthly/or quarterly goals might work better.
Goals can change, & life happens along the way. A vision board can help motivate you plus it
can change with new goals.
Another thing about New Year’s resolutions is that sometimes
we focus on what we want to change & forget to embrace accomplishments and
reward ourselves for all the great we done. Remember to embrace your positives.
Don’t neglect other parts of your life, set health goals,
financial goals, career goals, educational goals, physical goals, family, and service
goals. Just remember to keep growing as a complete individual and not to get too
carried away in one area.
In 2013, every day wake up with an intention for your day
& take a moment to think about what you would like to be acknowledged for that
day. This is something I ask my yoga student to do every class. You will find
more meaning in your life and connection to who you truly are.
Remember ONE LIFE. LIVE IT! And always pay it forward!