Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 3 of our challenge -Trilogy

 We are going back to elementary school! Do you know your primary colors? Red, Yellow & Blue. Today we are learning about colors, since its day three I decided to challenge everyone to eat  at least 3 colors for every meal, try to incorporate the 3 color challenge also to your snacks. 

For example if you are having chicken noodle soup for lunch, and it has carrot, chicken and celery, well then you are safe, you have orange green and white. If you are having oatmeal for breakfast, add blueberries & raspberries and there you have your three colors. As for snacks, instead of just almonds, add dried cranberries & pistachios & you have three colors, or instead of plane crackers add tuna & tomatoes or add banana & berries to your yogurt and so forth.  

Make it fun, you can always add a tomato, berries, lettuce, nuts whatever you may need to do to add another color to your meal, just as long as your plate has three colors, you are on track!
Next is our workout. Today I’m giving you options, yes options. You can choose between jumping rope everyday or jumping jacks, 3 to be exact. You start with three and add 3 more tomorrow and 3 more the next day. It might be time to track your commitment. Get a simple notepad and write your daily pushups & jump rope or jumping jacks.  Good luck and have fun coloring your plates!