This is dedicated to me; my higher self, inner self and the most true self… Yesterday was a hard day. Only because I chose for it to be hard & I made it hard on myself. Do you ever have days where you beat yourself up for not doing something and then the downhill spiral starts and before you know it, all you can see in your life is what’s wrong… well that was my yesterday. Today I am choosing for it to be better to be happy and to most importantly, to learn & work on loving myself.
I’m putting together a list of ways I can be more positive & not sweat the small stuff, like missing a workout or eating 3 bowls of ice cream 4 dinner or not having the most productive day…
1. Think about things that make you happy- go to a happy place.
2. Realize Change is Possible and even though today wasn’t your best self tomorrow will and can be better. 3. Don’t let negative emotion control you but Dig Deep find the positive and pull it through to overcome the negative.
4. Probably the hardest one: find at least one strength & one reason why you Love Yourself.
5. Trust in yourself, know you are strong inside & out.
6. Probably the 2nd hardest thing to achieve- Forgive Yourself, we are our own worst critic.
7. Remind yourself of who you truly are & what’s truly important- don’t sweat it!
"We can't stop the waves, but we can learn to surf." Jonathan Kabat-Zinn
“Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.” Joel Osteen